Advertising Production
Where creativity shapes marketable concepts
Minor in Advertising Production and learn how to bring your ideas to life. Students learn digital communication and are given tools to manifest their creativity into marketable concepts.
“Advertising is the greatest art of the twentieth century.”—Marshall McLuhan.
Your Courses
Eighteen hours of coursework will earn a minor in Advertising Production, and will complement majors of all kinds. This curriculum focusing on web design, public relations, copywriting and more, will give you an edge in the growing need for those knowledgeable in multimedia communication.
The IN Crowd
QU showed me that there are truly kind people in the world and that there are people that want to help you and see you be successful.
A Few of Your Career Opportunities:
Whatever you major in, your ability to communicate, work with multimedia, and understanding of strategic marketing will give your career an edge.
- Public Relations Specialist (Independent or Corporate)
- Graphic Designer
- Multimedia Specialist
Fun Fact:
Professor Bob Mejer has exhibited his art in over 500 juried national shows and has participated in shows in China, Italy and England.