Work Study

- This program provides part-time, on-campus employment for students with established need.
- Students in this program usually work between 8-12 hours per week.
- Most jobs are on campus.
- The Office of Financial Aid will post information about available job opportunities on our website at On-Campus Work Study Jobs. FWS positions are limited and priority is given to students who indicate they are interested in Federal Work Study on their FAFSA and met the priority filing date.
The Federal Work-Study Program has been established by the Department of Education to assist the student in meeting educational expenses.
- Not all students are eligible to receive funds from this program.
- If you are eligible for the Federal Work-Study Program, it will be listed on your Award Letter.
- Unlike other aid programs, funds are not available to students until they have worked actual hours at an approved position.
- The primary goal is to provide funds for school expenses and help keep student debt down.
Student Work-Study Earnings
- Many students use the earnings from their work-study job to meet on-going expenses such as personal and transportation costs.
- Most students with work-study jobs work 8 to 15 hours per week.
Finding and Applying for Work-Study Jobs
It is the student’s responsibility to find an on-campus job. There is a job fair in August on the first Monday after students have returned to campus.
Once you have been hired, you will need to complete the following documentation:
- Federal Work Study Student Employment Contract
- Federal I-9 form
- Federal W-4 form
- Illinois W-4 form
- Work Study FERPA
- Direct Deposit Authorization (if you want your paycheck direct deposited into a bank account)
- Driver’s license (or state ID card)
- Social security card or a certified copy of your birth certificate
You cannot begin work until these forms have been completed.